Benign Gallbladder Polyp


The gallbladder, is a small organ where bile (a fluid produced by the liver) is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine.

The gallbladder, is a small organ where bile (a fluid produced by the liver) is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine.

The main purpose of the gallbladder is to store bile, also called gall, needed for the digestion of food. The gallbladder is part of the biliary system and serves as a reservoir for bile, which is produced by the liver. The liver produces the bile and then it flows through the hepatic ducts into the gallbladder. At any one time, 30 to 60 millilitres (1.0 to 2.0 US fl oz) of bile is stored within the gallbladder.

Gallbladder polyps are growths or lesions resembling growths (polypoid lesions) in the wall of the gallbladder. True polyps are abnormal accumulations of mucous membrane tissue that would normally be shed by the body. The main types of polypoid growths of the gallbladder include cholesterol polyp/cholesterosis, cholesterosis with fibrous dysplasia of gallbladder, adenomyomatosis, hyperplastic cholecystosis, and adenocarcinoma.

Polypoid lesions of the gallbladder affect approximately 5% of the adult population. Most affected individuals are asymptomatic, and their gallbladder polyps are detected during abdominal ultrasonography performed for unrelated conditions. Although the majority of gallbladder polyps are benign, most commonly cholesterol polyps, malignant transformation is a concern. The differentiation of benign from malignant lesions can be challenging. Several features, including patient age, polyp size and number, and rapid growth of polyps, are important discriminating features between benign and malignant polyps.


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22 thoughts on “Benign Gallbladder Polyp

    • Premilife Customer Care says:

      Dear Tapas Mondal
      Thank you for approaching us.
      We have answered your question in a personal email sent to you.
      We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
      If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
      The Premilife customer service

    • Priyanga Subramaniam says:

      Hi im having GB polyps. we found this in last aug,2017. currently am taking Homeo medicines only since last one year. can you please tell me how to find the this disease resolved or not.

      • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
      • Premilife Customer Care says:

        Dear Priyanga Subramaniam
        Thank you for approaching us.
        We have answered your question in a personal email sent to you.
        We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
        If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
        The Premilife customer service

      • Vasu says:

        I have GB polyp of size 4.4 mm, found August 17th 2018. Is it possible to resolve. Please help.

        • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
        • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
        • Premilife Customer Care says:

          Dear Vasu
          Thank you for approaching us.
          We have answered your question in a personal email sent to you.
          We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
          If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
          The Premilife customer service

        • Majid Hameed says:

          I went for routine ultrasound when my radiologist told me after doing my ultrasound he said u are all clear and normal ultrasound expect one thing that u have gallbladder polyps.

          I have 3 gall bladder polyps largest is 4 mm attached to the wall of bladder

          Is there any best treatment of bladder polyps not increase in size.

          So now what to eat and what not to eat so my gall bladder polyps don’t increase in more size and also not become malignant

          I do exercise daily i don’t know how this happened even i don’t take much fatty food also liver spleen all things normal

          Wait for your kind reply and your guidance for whole question

          • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
          • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
          • Premilife Customer Care says:

            Dear Majid Hameed
            Thank you for approaching us.
            We have answered your question in a personal email sent to you.
            We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
            If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
            The Premilife customer service

          • Nielvin OJ Suerte Parreno says:

            ihave Gb polyp. found Oct 31 2018. size 5mm. is it possible to resolve. ? please help

            • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
            • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
            • Premilife Customer Care says:

              Dear Nielvin OJ Suerte Parreno
              Thank you for approaching us.
              We have answered your question in a personal mail sent to you.
              We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
              If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
              The Premilife customer service

            • Kishore says:

              My ultrasound report says multiple echogenic, non mobile foci aherent to gall bladder wall, largest measuring 6x9mm. Please let me know what is the best treatment for this.

              • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
              • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
              • Premilife Customer Care says:

                Dear Kishore
                Thank you for approaching us.
                We have answered your question in a personal mail sent to you.
                We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
                If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
                The Premilife customer service

              • Kishore says:

                I have multiple echogenic, non mobile foci aherent to gallbladder wall, largest measuring 6×9. Please let me know what is the best treatment for this.

                • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
                • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
                • Premilife Customer Care says:

                  Dear Kishore
                  Thank you for approaching us.
                  We have answered your question in a personal mail sent to you.
                  We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
                  If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
                  The Premilife customer service

                • John says:

                  I have a 6x4mm gallbladder polyp , I know 10mm and up are usually cancerous .

                  can they get bigger?

                  I have a follow up with my GI ,but was just wondering what kinds of foods I should eat. what I should stay away from I also dont exercise much that can change though.

                  • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
                  • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
                  • Premilife Customer Care says:

                    Dear John
                    Thank you for approaching us.
                    We have answered your question in a personal mail sent to you.
                    We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
                    If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
                    The Premilife customer service

                  • Nicole says:

                    I’ve been having gallbladder stone symptoms (loose stools, pain below right breast bone, burping) with no gallstones found in ultrasound. Symptoms seems to be triggered by foods. Ultrasound found a polyp in gallbladder the size of 8mm. Would this be the cause of my symptoms? Should I have gallbladder removed? I’m 32 female.

                    • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
                    • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
                    • Premilife Customer Care says:

                      Dear Nicole
                      Thank you for approaching us.
                      We have answered your question in a personal mail sent to you.
                      We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
                      If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
                      The Premilife customer service

                    • shravan says:

                      I had US test and found multiple polyps of highest 6.1mm * 4.6mm can this be treated..

                      • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
                      • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
                      • Premilife Customer Care says:

                        Dear Shravan
                        Thank you for approaching us.
                        We have answered your question in a personal mail sent to you.
                        We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
                        If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
                        The Premilife customer service

                      • Sajjad says:

                        I have a ultrasound I have 6.77mm polyps in gallbladder. If any medicine have to reduce these polyps size and what I can do.

                        • Select the disease/s you suffer from: Benign Gallbladder Polyp
                        • Which language do you prefer to get the answer?: English
                        • Premilife Customer Care says:

                          Dear Sajjad,
                          Thank you for approaching us.
                          We have answered your question in a personal mail sent to you.
                          We hope you found our answer sufficient and that it provided you with the information you were looking for.
                          If you have further questions, please feel free contacting us using the Contact Premilife page. We will be happy to assist.
                          The Premilife customer service

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