What must you know if you suffer from obesity?

#Obesity, #Overweight and all associated #ChronicDiseases are, learn and remember this, largely preventable. #Premilife #DrRicardoKotliroff

Can the negative consequences of obesity be prevented and treated?

#Obesity. You, or your loved ones who suffer from obesity, will probably live less. The [...]

Will your life expectancy be affected because you suffer from obesity?

#Obesity. Can even influence your economy by generating medical expenses and possible losses of years [...]

Will your body, soul and spirit be affected if you suffer from obesity and you don’t treat it?

#Obesity. The morbidity rates and the capacity to develop other diseases and illnesses because of [...]

Did you think about the changes that obesity brings to your life?

#Obesity. It is undoubtedly an epidemic that causes great negative changes in the lives of [...]

What is the impact on the lives of those who suffer from the obesity epidemic?

The impact obesity has on the lives of those who suffer from it is tremendous. [...]

Why are behaviors and patterns of eating altered?

The combination of genetic, biological psychological and enviromental factors lead to an alteration in eating [...]

What is the contribution of advertising in the development of the obesity epidemic?

What contributes to #obesity? to endure the current media and ad bombardment that encourage the [...]

Do pregnancies and aging influence the development of obesity?

What contributes to #obesity? Besides #biological and #psychological aspects, there are also factors based on [...]

Is obesity a form of mental escapism?

#Obesity. What contributes to #obesity? We eat when #bored or we want to improve our [...]

Is obesity used by obese people as a form of avoidance?

#Obesity can be an #evasion to justify postponing decisions or facing responsibilities, where we need [...]

How does obesity influence the life of a couple?

#Obesity. Being #obese can be a justification of situations we are #living in, for example, [...]


Premilife gives energy to the human body that increases the chances of winning diseases (which diseases? more than 700!) - the means - homeopathic remedies

Check if you’re suited to our treatments! Fill out your name and email and get the link to our comprehensive medical questionnaire. By filling out our medical questionnaire, you will get an email from dr. Ricardo Kotliroff with our best treatment for your illness/es.

Evento De Formación Online En Directo Gratis Revela…

CÓMO podéis hacer frente a los graves problemas derivados de vuestras enfermedades SIN sentiros deprimidos ni perder la fe. INCLUSO SI habéis perdido toda las esperanzas, ¡podéis hacer que suceda!

Lo Que Aprenderás En El Evento Online En Directo Gratuito:

Secreto #1

Darle a tu cuerpo las herramientas que necesita para vencer a la enfermedad/es.

Secreto #2

Tratar con la enfermedad puede agotaros psicológica y emocionalmente. Por eso, para que el tratamiento tenga éxito, también necesitamos prepararos y ayudaros a defenderos contra estos efectos mentales.

Secreto #3

Los tratamientos exitosos atacan al problema de raíz. Hay muchas maneras de simplemente tratar el dolor o los síntomas obvios. Nosotros intentamos tratar la causa de la enfermedad, y la capacidad de la enfermedad para cambiar vuestro cuerpo. Nos centramos en la energía del cuerpo, y en las energías de la enfermedad.

  • ¿Cuándo es el webinar?

  • Tus detalles:

  • *Puedes elegir hasta 5 enfermedades
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Dr. Ricardo Kotliroff, FUNDADOR Y CEO

Desde 1980, el Dr. Kotliroff ha ayudado a miles de pacientes de todo el mundo con sus fórmulas únicas y ahora tú también tendrás la oportunidad de oro de asistir a su evento online en directo y de comprender tu problema, así como de aprender de él sobre su excepcional fórmula. Va a ser un evento online en directo especial y para entender su fórmula secreta, ¡únete a nosotros!


Encuentra tu (s) enfermedad (s) escribiendo el nombre de tu enfermedad.

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Free Training Online Live Event Reveals…

HOW you can deal with your serious issues that arise out of your diseases WITHOUT feeling depressed or losing faith.
EVEN IF you have lost all the hopes, you can make it happen!

What You Will Learn In The Free Webinar:

Secret #1

Give your body the tools to defeat your disease/s.

Secret #2

Dealing with illness can drain you psychologically and emotionally. And so for treatment to be successful, we also need to prepare you for and help to defend you against these mental effects.

Secret #3

Successful treatments target the root problem. There are many ways just to treat pain, or obvious symptoms. We’re looking to treat the cause of the disease, and the disease’s ability to change your body. We’re focusing on the energy of the body, and the energies of disease.

  • When is the webinar?

  • Your Details:

  • *You can choose up to 5 diseases
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Dr. Ricardo Kotliroff, Founder & CEO

Since 1980, Dr. Kotliroff has helped thousands of patients all over the globe with his one-of-a-kind formulas and now you will also have the golden opportunity to come to his online live event and understand your problem, and also learn from him about his remarkable formula. It is going to be a special online live event and to understand his secret formula, come and join us!

Here is a list of all the diseases that this Webinar is right for:

Find your disease/s by typing your disease name.

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